Architectural Composition of Noise Barriers around the City of Prague
Abstract: In this contribution I turn my attention to noise barriers in proximity to motorways and their architectural substance which is mainly tied to their proportions and surface. The primary purpose of these constructions isn’t to create a space in its architectural meaning or to offer plethora of functional uses, it’s rather to simply stop the distribution of noise with their physical mass. Maybe it’s their inherent simplicity which leads us to enrich them with another layer – a visual one. Considering the wide use of such structures this layer becomes rather important, either as an element of the landscape or as the backdrop of road transport. In a situation where traffic accidents still claim a significant number of deaths, we can question how big of a role the architectural design can play. Following the topic of my doctoral thesis “Role of Graphic Design in Architecture of the 21st Century” I am taking a closer look at the reality of noise barrier designs, document their visual and structural solutions and show the importance of architectural methods in their design. Main sources for this article come from The Czech Ministry of Transport and the Railway Administration’s handbooks, works published under the faculties of Civil Engineering and Transportation Sciences in CTU and photo documentation of such barriers on the Prague ring road.