Thank you for your participation in last year's ČSÚP 17 conference and we are already looking forward to this year's eighteenth annual conference, which will be on November 21, 2024!

Registration for ČSUP 18 will be started directly on the department's website:

Registration for the remote form of participation will be started after at least half of the hall's capacity has been filled by face-to-face participants.

Proceedings of ČSUP 17 will be added continuously. For now, proceedings from previous conferences up to ČSUP 16 are available, and at the same time, a record from the 15th year is available. You can find it here.

All information will be continuously updated both on the website of the department and on these conference pages. Please monitor them continuously.

Conference is conducted in czech and slovak language. Its outcome is the peer-reviewed open-accessed conference proceedings where only titles and abstracts of published papers are in english. The conference proceedings are listed in SCOPUS databe since 2019.

The conference is intended primarily for scientific researchers, undergraduates of doctoral study programs, public administration officers, professional practitioners, but also for company representatives and representatives of civil society - who are invited particularly to discuss conference posts.