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Professional public opinion survey on the topic of vegetation on construction of buildings in the structure of the city Bratislava

Abstract: Article examines opinion of professionals and people responsible for running of the city in question of implementation green roofs and walls in strategic documents of Bratislava. The work is part of research “Vegetation on buildings in the structure of the city”. The questionnaire survey serves as a basis for further discussion on the topic of vegetation regulation in the urban area and adaptation to climate change, using vegetation on construction of the buildings in the structure of the city. This survey and the researches which has already been conducted are the basis for recommendations and priorities that can be incorporated in involving vegetation on buildings in the strategic documents of Bratislava. The questionnaire is to find out what it is basic awareness of the growing use of roofs and walls in Bratislava and what is opinion of public and experts on the subject. The survey is divided into three parts: - In the 1st part we ask for basic information about respondents - In the 2nd part we ask for the experience that we collect only from the experts who had already worked on the project with vegetation roof or wall. - In the 3rd part we examine what we know about the issue of involving vegetation on buildings in the structure of the city and what, based on our experience and knowledge, we should change. In the end we tried to summarize recommendations for a strategy of implementing green roofs and walls into structure of the Bratislava. These are based on the results of the questionnaire, but also previous research conducted in Slovakia and abroad.

KRIVOŠOVÁ, Zuzana (2015). Prieskum mienky odbornej verejnosti v téme vegetácie na stavbách v štruktúre mesta Bratislava. In: Pavel Holubec, ed. Člověk, stavba a územní plánování 8. ČVUT v Praze, Fakulta stavební pp. 202-219. ISBN 978-80-01-05655-4. ISSN 2336-7695.