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The Use of Older Planning Documents in the Study of the Development of Residential Greenery in the City

Abstract: This paper deals with the problematic of protection and restoration of historic gardens and parks, which are important elements in the system of city greenery. The research was based on a case study linking historical gardens and other green segments in the given area of Prague 6. In view of the fact that there can’t be expected the mass founding of large multi-functional urban parks in the cities, it is necessary to focus on the functional recovery of current, often historically established, urban parks and gardens. Fact, that our natural and cultural heritage is considerably threatened, is stated in the Convention Concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage. Historic gardens are considered to be the monuments and their protection is the subject of specific requirements. According to the Florence Charter, it is made an effort to preserve the inner composition of the garden, and that is why it is necessary to make effort to maintain the physical environment in which the garden as a monument is located. In the Venice Charter, there is further anchored that any intervention, that could disrupt the arrangement and relations prevailing between the monument and the surrounding, must be rejected. The environment, that surrounds these monuments of garden art, is defined by cultural and historical characteristics of the area. These are further defined by urban development and its compositional structure. It is important to preserve the ecological balance of the external physical environment in which these monuments are located. In the case study there were analysed and evaluated various regulative, directional and spatial plans of the capital city of Prague from different time periods and they were compared to the real situations – aerial photos of the area from different time periods. Application of results of the work is beneficial in city planning of sustainable development and management of the urban structure of the capital city of Prague, especially when assessing of threats from anthropogenic activities resulting in the historic structure of the city.

VONEŠOVÁ, Veronika (2015). Využití starších plánovacích dokumentů při studiu vývoje sídelní zeleně ve městě. In: Pavel Holubec, ed. Člověk, stavba a územní plánování 8. ČVUT v Praze, Fakulta stavební pp. 160-176. ISBN 978-80-01-05655-4. ISSN 2336-7695.