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The City and its Role during the Adaptation to Impacts of Climate Change

Abstract: This article is written as a reaction on a contemporary situation in the field of the impact of climate change on cities and their inhabitants. After the experience with weather worsening, the researchers communicate that the cities are not well prepared for the option of some extraordinary incidents and the following damage. In the society there are only few insurance mathematicians well informed about risks in inner cities and in the landscape. In the Czech Republic cities there is, for example, common lack of supporting studies, information and materials about weather conditions risks and about sensitive city infrastructure. The main question of this article is whether there are some adaptation or resilience supporting data on the level of municipal authorities and whether they are accessible and understandable. The output of this article is that the situation necessarily needs strategic plans of adaptation (according to UNDP recommendation) on a municipal level and a good strategy for local people informing.

PONDĚLÍČEK, Michael (2015). Město a jeho role při adaptaci na dopady změny klimatu. In: Pavel Holubec, ed. Člověk, stavba a územní plánování 8. ČVUT v Praze, Fakulta stavební pp. 233-239. ISBN 978-80-01-05655-4. ISSN 2336-7695.