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Evolution of Patio as Source for Climate Adaptation

Abstract: The contribution is concerned with considerations of the gradual development and influence of the patio on the functions of the house in warm and semi-warm areas. The aim of this text is to analyse the genesis of patio as an element of applied architecture developed by architecture history mainly in the subtropical inhabitat zone and to outline its advantages and practicality in adapting houses to a dry and warm climate. Thus, we point out, in a broader context, the evolution of architecture due to the changing climate in history. The research method is to compare historical periods of patio development within the architecture objects or architecture development with periods of climatically unfavourable conditions and to monitor the development of adaptation measures in architecture (urban enclosures, increasing the percentage of greenery, water use, wind management, etc.). An auxiliary method is to compare building techniques in historic cities and compare current functional cities and their changes in the present and in times with historical climate change. The patio is a part of architecture in warm areas in the regions around the world, under Mediterranean influence. It means not only in Europe, but in the South and Mid-American Regions until to southern US States, and history of the use of patio starts probably from Sumerian Kingdoms.

PONDĚLÍČEK, Michael (2022). Vývoj patia jako příkladu adaptace na klima. In: Jiří Kugl, ed. Člověk, stavba a územní plánování 15. ČVUT v Praze, Fakulta stavební pp. 108-119. ISBN 978-80-01-07049-9. ISSN 2336-7695.