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Basic Principles of Parceling and Location of Houses on the Building Land in the Czech Republic

Abstract: The evolution of the core living values of the current society brings the issue of housing quality more and more to the forefront. Living in a single-family house with its own garden is commonly considered to be basically the highest ideal of most people (Hnilička 2012). Considering that, the construction of this type of housing has had an ever-increasing tendency since the end of the 1990s to the present day, although with small deviations. A similar example can be found in the post-war growth of building the single-family houses in the USA or the Federal Republic of Germany (Ptáček 2002). During such massive development and construction activities, the basic conditions and principles associated with the whole issue of individual housing have been disregarded. This was caused in the past by both great pressure on municipalities, maximization of development areas for the construction of single-family houses and legislative unpreparedness for such interest in the territory, and the efforts of developers to evaluate the investment as quickly and easily as possible. Such growth had a fundamental impact on the quality of the concept of housing development – on parceling and organization of public spaces in the newly emerging areas of single-family houses. One of the first flaws caused by this trend was the blurring of the differences between the urban and rural type of parcelling and family houses. It should be well noted that this method of housing development occurred earlier, when in an effort to bring the countryside closer to the city, the urban construction process of single-family houses began to be implanted in the structure of municipalities. In the contemporary growth, this fact has been caused by the large migration of urban residents to the countryside, especially to municipalities near larger cities. The reason for this migration was the general idea of a healthy quality of living in a village in close proximity to nature. This was the reason for the diverse construction of city dwellers’ single-family houses who did not take advantage of the economic usage of their houses’ parcels. In order to provide a better orientation in the issue of urban and rural construction differences, this article summaries the basic principles of both types of construction, fundamental principles of their location on the parcel, differences in height levels or, for example, the correlation between single-family houses and public space in relation to pedestrian and motor traffic.

KOUBKOVÁ, Renata, STOJAN, Daniel (2021). Základní východiska parcelace a umísťování rodinných domů na parcele v českém prostředí. In: Jiří Kugl, ed. Člověk, stavba a územní plánování 14. ČVUT v Praze, Fakulta stavební pp. 170-187. ISBN 978-80-01-06893-9. ISSN 2336-7695.