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Large Transport Infrastructure Projects within Spatial Planning and the Possibility of Public Intervention

Abstract: The paper deals with the description of the whole process of spatial planning of large transport infrastructure projects whose total investment costs without VAT exceed CZK 1.8 billion, from the detection of the need for construction of new transport infrastructure, through the evaluation of its necessity by the EIA process, followed by the approval of the Central Commission of the Ministry of Transport of the Czech Republic, until issuing of the final zoning decision and above all the possible influence of the public on it. The aim of the paper is to map the legislation in force at the time of submission of the article which allows the public to enter and intervene in the process of spatial planning of large transport infrastructure projects in various stages. Furthermore, it describes the process of construction of transport structures from the beginning of the plan to the territorial procedure.

KRUPÍK, Pavel (2020). Velké projekty dopravní infrastruktury v rámci územního plánování a možnosti veřejnosti do něj zasahovat. In: Jiří Kugl, ed. Člověk, stavba a územní plánování 13. ČVUT v Praze, Fakulta stavební pp. 172-183. ISBN 978-80-01-06762-8. ISSN 2336-7695.