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Funding of the Preservation of Cultural Monuments in Liberec Region within Program Period 2007-2013

Abstract: The case study is based on a quantitative analysis of the secondary data from Annual reports of selected financial resources devoted to the selected programs, and its usage for the restoration of cultural monuments. This approach is related also to the cultural economy and the budgets of municipalities, in particular to preservation of the cultural heritage in 2007-2013. The analysis combines qualitative and quantitative approaches. According to this information, a systematic review creates a list of beneficiaries drawing on EU funding in 2007-2013 and projects finalized during period 2007-2013. Subsequently, successful implementers and their projects (with respect to the development of restoration of cultural monuments in the Liberec region) were selected for further assessment. Qualitative point of view completes the quantitative analyses by giving examples of good practice approaches of development and maintenance of cultural monuments in the Liberec region. The paper presents various examples of a good solution with the usage of Public Private Partnership in the development of tourism in municipalities. This paper deals with impacts of EU projects on tourism development in municipalities of the Liberec Region. Finally, the comparison of the usage of financial resources devoted to the maintenance of cultural monuments of Liberec region are presented with the main objective to promote the importance of the preservation of cultural heritage.

ANTOŠOVÁ, Gabriela (2018). Financování obnovy kulturních památek Libereckého kraje programového období 2007-2013. In: Jiří Kugl, ed. Člověk, stavba a územní plánování 11. ČVUT v Praze, Fakulta stavební pp. 207-226. ISBN 978-80-01-06482-5. ISSN 2336-7695.