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The Analysis of Ground Plans of other Three Selected Groups of Villages of Identical Colonization Activities

Abstract: The paper is the continuation of the previous paper The Analysis of Ground Plans of Three Selected Villages Founded by the Same Locators published in Man, Building and Urban Planning 8, Conference proceedings, 2015. On the base of stable cadastral maps analyses regularity in ground plans of three groups of villages (Butovice - Jinonice - Kosire, Prostredni Lhota a Zaborna Lhota, Kaliste - Rapotice) were identified in archive sources as identical colonisation activities. Selected examples are diffused in Czech region (from Dobris via Prague to the land border nearby Humpolec), so the previous pattern of analysed villages nearby Kadan and Dobris is supplemented. The villages were described by the basic criterias (type, size, orientation to the world sides, existence of water source, presence of a church). Then the regularity in the ground plan – the basic module was searched: the width of the lot noticeably repeated in the village ground plan. Detected modules schemes could link to the period if the regular organisation or re-organisation of the village was demanded because of new taxes policy – emphyteusis. Identified values were compared with the Czech elbows, respectively with the commonly used values of medieval ligaments. The comparison of other group of villages connected with the same establishment period and probably the same locator did not prove the usage of the same archetype of village establishments in the same group preserved up to stable cadastre maping times.

PEŠKOVÁ, Zuzana (2017). Analýza půdorysů dalších tří vybraných skupin vesnic stejných kolonizačních akcí. In: Jiří Kugl, ed. Člověk, stavba a územní plánování 10. ČVUT v Praze, Fakulta stavební pp. 144-157. ISBN 978-80-01-06319-4. ISSN 2336-7695.