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The Analysis of Ground Plans of Three Selected Villages Founded by the Same Locators

Abstract: The locator played the key role during the villages foundation process in high middle ages. More often is locator described by literature like developer, aristocrat or well-situated man, who economically supported and managed a new location of village (or a group of villages), but he hired professionals to the physical foundation of the village. Because there was an need of different knowledge to successful foundation of new seat. Although clearly not excluded that in some cases the surveyor and the locator are one and the same person. The basic surveyors work was in medieval times so common so there was no need to describe it in detail in archival documents. That is the reason why were compared three different selected colonisation activities of the same locators in Bohemia. The basic criterias to comparing were: urban layout, orientation to world sides, position of the watercourse, existence and location of the church, average size of the village, probable foundation module (width of parcels that is regularly repeated in absolute value or in partial value in the ground plan of village) and the description of the identificated module system. The analysis were worked out for state of the village captured by Imperial imprints of stable cadastre maps. A comparison of the ground plans of villages showed that there was no used identically foundation scheme repeatedly. Some are close to each other, some are on the same principles but there are a deviation in the like of various modular canons. It seems that the lenghts could say us more about used ligament - medieval metrical unit and also metrical widget. Determine measures demonstrate the independant use of various lenghts of ligament in time and region. Similar urban layout of some Czech towns and villages – their urban layout and used ligament - points to a different common denominator than the same locator person.

PEŠKOVÁ, Zuzana (2015). Analýza půdorysů tří vybraných skupin vesnic založených stejnými lokátory. In: Pavel Holubec, ed. Člověk, stavba a územní plánování 8. ČVUT v Praze, Fakulta stavební pp. 83-97. ISBN 978-80-01-05655-4. ISSN 2336-7695.