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Territorial Planning in an Epoch of Anthropocene

Abstract: Paper deals with questioning the nature of territorial planning in the coming epoch, labeled the Anthropocene. First part approaches the context of this question (humanity as one complex social system, climate change and its philosophical and political consequences) and searches for such concepts that would enable connecting this rather general questions with one rather concrete social subsystem, which is a system of territorial planning. The basic concepts that were found are Deleuze & Guattari's distinction between smooth and striated space, concepts of war machine, apparatus of capture, minority, majority, Ranciér's distinction between politics and police and Latour's concept of Gaia as an emerging political subject that strives to enter on the global scene and transform the capitalistic axiomatic so that the new configuration would respect planetary limits, that are in the case of territorial planning grasped as sustainable ecological footprint of a territory. Second part deals in greater detail with the transformation of the Czech planning system. It demands at least partial deteritorialization of planning system and one of the tools for that should be the possibility of the delimitation of plans' boundaries from within the process of planning itself (that is, not according to the administrative or state borders). And then is suggested differentiation of current teritorial plans into land-use plans, that would ensure territorial police, and initiation plans, that should become the expression of territorial politics.

HOLUBEC, Pavel (2015). Územní plánování v epoše Antropocénu. In: Pavel Holubec, ed. Člověk, stavba a územní plánování 8. ČVUT v Praze, Fakulta stavební pp. 23-40. ISBN 978-80-01-05655-4. ISSN 2336-7695.