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Spatial composition in the context of Smart cities; Analysis of network structure and public transport flows

Abstract: The subject of my presentation in conference is a introduction into methods and partial researches actually in progress analyzes public spaces of chosen small and middle-spacious cities in Slovakia. An aim of analysis is to provide a gained piece of knowledge in field of ICT, IoT, BigData and Smart Cities concept, which is going to be presented in the conference. The research in progess methodically compares contemporary movements and streams, focusing on a mobility of public transport, with spatial analysis called ‘Space Syntax’ founded and developed since 80’s of 20th century at Barlkey Univesity in London. Analyses of streams and movements stays on method of human geography by way of nodal structure, system of transportation flows, analysing a schedules of arrivals and departures and by way systematic collecting data, evaluates rhythmical phenomenons in city structures. Comparing these analysis shows us a integrity of public transport with spatial structure and indicates a concordance or divergance between single phenomenons in city. Application of this analysis helps us to better regulate the locating spots or tracking of public transport in given spatial area, by way of integrity - assumption of population presence. Article will be simple take about continuing and next partial research alike comparing mentions analysis with methods of tracking inhabitans presence in observed time by way of collecting and mapping intensity - density of using public space by the ICT - telecommunication data.

DIEŽKA, Miloš (2019). Priestorová skladba v kontexte Smart cities; Analýza sieťovej štruktúry a tokov verejnej dopravy. In: Jiří Kugl, ed. Člověk, stavba a územní plánování 12. ČVUT v Praze, Fakulta stavební pp. 180-202. ISBN 978-80-01-06634-8. ISSN 2336-7695.